Influence the way we work
It's really important to us that we get your input into the way we work.
As we're a new organisation, there's lots of work going on behind the scenes to refresh our policies and procedures.
Where our policies affect you and the service you receive from us, we're committed to listening to your opinions and making changes to our policies to reflect what works best for you.
We'd love it if you were able to take the time to let us know what you think of our new policies as we create them - check out all the policies we have out to consultation below, and give us your thoughts!
It's really important to us that we get your input into the way we work.
As we're a new organisation, there's lots of work going on behind the scenes to refresh our policies and procedures.
Where our policies affect you and the service you receive from us, we're committed to listening to your opinions and making changes to our policies to reflect what works best for you.
We'd love it if you were able to take the time to let us know what you think of our new policies as we create them - check out all the policies we have out to consultation below, and give us your thoughts!
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
We'd love to know your thoughts on the concierge service you receive from us. Please let us know below. The survey is completely anonymous.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded. Thanks for being interested in this policy consultation - if you'd like to be involved in future consultations then drop us a line at and let us know!
It's really important to us that we get your views when we're developing our policies. Policies are the framework that we deliver services within. So what our policy says has a direct impact on the way you experience our services.
We'd love you to take a read of our Estate Management Policy and give us your thoughts. You can read the policy here. Once you've read it, please give us your feedback by completing the survey. You've got until 5pm on Monday 23 October 2023 to let us know what you think! Your feedback will help us decide whether we need to make changes to this policy, as we reconfigure our ways of working following our recent merger.
As our way of saying thank you, we'll enter you into a prize draw to win a £25 multi-store gift card once you've completed the survey. You'll need to give us some personal information so that we can let you know if you've won. If you'd like to know more about how we keep your personal information safe then you can find out here.
Depending on the options you choose, the survey will take between 10 and 20 minutes to complete.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
We're currently reviewing our rehousing process.
Most of our properties are allocated to local council waiting lists, because of the formal agreements that we have in place with local authorities.
We only have a small number of homes available for re-let, and we want to make the process of being rehoused by Peabody as efficient and effective as possible.
If you've been rehoused then we'd love to hear about your experiences, as this will help us understand how we need to shape our policy to make it work you people like you. We particularly want to hear from you, if:
- You've been rehoused
- You're on the waiting list to be rehoused
- You've experienced the management transfer or Priority Move Panel systems
Please help us shape a new policy by completing this survey before 9am on Monday 26 February 2024
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
At Peabody, we’re focussed on getting the basics right. So we’re always looking for ways that we can improve the services you receive from us every day.
It’s because of that focus that we’d love to hear about how the cleaning service you receive makes you feel. We really do welcome feedback. So, if you’d like to tell us a bit about the cleaning service you receive, you can fill in this short survey
As out way of saying thank you
Everyone who fills in the survey before 5pm on Monday 27 May 2024 will have the option to be entered into a prize draw to win one of 4 £25 multi-store gift cards.
We’ll need to take a little bit of personal information from you in order to put you in the draw. If you want to know more about how we keep your personal information safe, you can find out here
We’re looking forward to hearing what you’ve got to tell us!
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
At Peabody, we’re focussed on getting the basics right. So we’re always looking for ways that we can improve the services you receive from us every day.
It’s because of that focus that we’d love to hear about how the cleaning service you receive makes you feel. We really do welcome feedback. So, if you’d like to tell us a bit about the cleaning service you receive, you can fill in this short survey
As out way of saying thank you
Everyone who fills in the survey before 5pm on Tuesday 26 March 2024 will have the option to be entered into a prize draw to win one of 4 £25 multi-store gift cards.
We’ll need to take a little bit of personal information from you in order to put you in the draw. If you want to know more about how we keep your personal information safe, you can find out here
We’re looking forward to hearing what you’ve got to tell us!
We want to improve the resident experience, so you know what to expect from Peabody. We’ve used resident insight from surveys, resident events, and interactions with engaged residents who’ve consistently told us we need to improve the way we communicate. They’ve told us we do not respond in a timely manner, and they have to chase us for an update.
We’re creating a new set of measures, so we deliver a consistent service that feels efficient and reliable service to you.
Get Involved
We’d like to get you involved from the start of our journey. We want to work with you on creating service specific measures and will share more in the coming months.
To start with, we’d like to know what we should call them.
Complete this short survey to share your ideas and register your interest to get involved
Who's Listening
Phone 0300 456 2099 Email