Improving the complaints experience in 2022

Last year, we worked with a group of customers to understand how we can improve the way we respond to complaints.
We asked customers to review closed, redacted complaints and use a survey to tell us about how they would have felt if they had received that complaint.
You told us that there are five key themes we need to consider:
- Precision and detail
- Empathy and understanding
- Making sure we address the whole complaint
- Being careful when we use standardised wording
- Proactivity
We've decided to continue the project into 2022, and we need your help to make it a success! We're going to measure our success against these themes, and against the promises we make to customers, to really get to the heart of what we need to do to give you the best complaints experience possible.
Could you spare around 3 hours every 3-4 months to take a look at some complaints and give us your views on them? If that sounds like something you'd like to help us with then sign up using the quick poll on the right hand side of the page. We'll drop you a line to give you a bit more information about how the project works and how you can get more involved.
Consultation has concluded