Co-designing the future of resident engagement

Consultation has concluded

We're redesigning how we're going to do customer engagement at Peabody, and to do that we've partnered up with some of our customers to set up a Co-design Action Group

The Group will prepare draft engagement standards for Peabody and a new resident engagement structure with terms of reference; a document that will define the purpose and structure of our key resident engagement group/s.

This will include resident scrutiny, monitoring and contribution to strategies and policies. The work of the Group will be captured in a final summary report which will explain how Peabody will move forward with our engagement groups.

This report will be presented to the Customer Experience Committee and Board for their endorsement in July.

We want to hear your thoughts

We're running a series of local listening sessions in June, where the Action Group will come out into our communities and talk to you about how, where, why and when we do engagement, how you think it can help, and how you think we should engage with you in the future. They'll use what they learn in these sessions to decide our future engagement structure.

We'd love you to come along to one of the sessions, but we understand you might not be able to. We still want to hear from you! There's a short survey you can take, and everything you tell us in that survey will be used by the Action Group to make their decisions.

We're redesigning how we're going to do customer engagement at Peabody, and to do that we've partnered up with some of our customers to set up a Co-design Action Group

The Group will prepare draft engagement standards for Peabody and a new resident engagement structure with terms of reference; a document that will define the purpose and structure of our key resident engagement group/s.

This will include resident scrutiny, monitoring and contribution to strategies and policies. The work of the Group will be captured in a final summary report which will explain how Peabody will move forward with our engagement groups.

This report will be presented to the Customer Experience Committee and Board for their endorsement in July.

We want to hear your thoughts

We're running a series of local listening sessions in June, where the Action Group will come out into our communities and talk to you about how, where, why and when we do engagement, how you think it can help, and how you think we should engage with you in the future. They'll use what they learn in these sessions to decide our future engagement structure.

We'd love you to come along to one of the sessions, but we understand you might not be able to. We still want to hear from you! There's a short survey you can take, and everything you tell us in that survey will be used by the Action Group to make their decisions.

Consultation has concluded

It's natural that you'll have questions. Hopefully you'll have found most of the info you need in the "Everything you need to know about the Co-design Action Group" section.

But if not, let us know what you're after, and we'll come back to you as soon as we can with an answer. If you'd prefer to email your questions then just drop us a line at

  • Seeing that these pages have only just been updated after nearly 2 months. What happened about keeping residents regularly updated and informed . I had sent this question in on the 3rd of August Did the co-design action group report go the the customer engagement committee on the 20th July and then to the group board on 27th July and if they did, was this report approved. When will the report be published so residents can read it and will residents have an opportunity to comment on it?

    Lobby Lud asked over 1 year ago

    Hello Elephant, thanks so much for the comment and the chaser - I'm sorry it has taken us so long to reply. This is something we're trying to be better at.

    We've now published the Co-design Action Group's report here on The Garden, and it's also been published on our corporate website. We'd love to hear your feedback!

    Take care,


  • Did the co-design action group report go the the customer engagement committee on the 20th July and then to the group board on 27th July and if they did, was this report approved. When will the report be published so residents can read it and will residents have an opportunity to comment on it?

    Lobby Lud asked over 1 year ago

    Hello Elephant, thanks so much for the comment - I'm sorry it has taken us so long to reply.

    We've now published the Co-design Action Group's report here on The Garden, and it's also been published on our corporate website. We'd love to hear your feedback!

    Take care,


  • Can confirmation be given that all the 7 residents on the c0-design action group attended at least 2 of the 5 listening sessions?

    Lobby Lud asked over 1 year ago

    Hello Elephant,

    Thanks for the question.

    In the ordinary run of things, we wouldn't publish attendance at meetings by group members. Neither of the legacy organisations did this for their strategic groups, and I don't think it is something we'll start doing as a matter of course.

    But in the interests of transparency and to directly answer your question - yes, all 7 residents on the Co-design Action Group attended at least 2 of the 5 listening sessions.



  • It is good that there are now 7 residents on the co-design group but it had been stated that 6 residents are to be recruited. Why was an extra place for another resident required and why was no explanation given for the seventh resident?

    Lobby Lud asked over 1 year ago

    Hello Elephant, 

    Thanks for the question, and apologies it's taken me so long to reply.

    During the interview process we identified 7 candidates whose scores were extremely close on our scoring matrix. Rather than not include one of those people in order to hit a target number, we took the decision to increase the number of customers on the panel instead.



  • When are the names and bios of the residents on the co-design action group going to be published & can their attendance at both the regional listening sessions and action group meeting be also published?

    Lobby Lud asked over 1 year ago

    Hello Elephant, 

    By way of a brief update I wanted to let you know that we've just published a short article on the page that gives a bit of background info on the resident members of the Co-design Action Group.

    Take care,



    Hello Elephant,

    We're working on the bios at the moment. I was aiming to have them done by now but it's taking a little longer than I'd hoped. We'll upload these as soon as we're able - no later than the end of next week.

    All the Action Group members have been to at least one listening session now, and we have two left to go next week. We've asked all action group members to attend at least two listening sessions, and they will all be at all of the action group meetings in July.

    It's also worth noting that all action group members have access to a summary of each of the listening events whether they attended or not, and we've facilitated an online forum for the group where they can discuss the sessions in advance of the group meetings next month.



  • Can the names of the residents that have been successful in gaining a place on the co-design action group be published here along with the names of staff who also will be on this group & how many residents were interviewed?

    Danny asked over 1 year ago

    Hello Danny, 

    By way of a brief update I wanted to let you know that we've just published a short article on the page that gives a bit of background info on the resident members of the Co-design Action Group.

    Take care,



    Hello Danny,

    Thanks very much for the question. We've spent a bit of time getting to know the panel this week, and we'll be sharing some info with everyone about them very soon. Keep your eye out on this page for more details!

    Take care,


  • For ease of reference and to show where the sessions will be held with dates and time, can this information be on the front page before having to find out about this by going into the on-line form. Residents have to sign-up to The Garden to access the on-line form.

    Lobby Lud asked over 1 year ago

    Hello Elephant,

    Thanks so much for raising this. We've changed the settings so that anyone can book on to the sessions without having to register. That had been our intent, but it looks like the survey has defaulted to requiring you to register.

    In terms of getting the dates put on the homepage that's a good suggestion, thank you. I'll see what I can make work with the layout options that we have that doesn't confuse things.

    Take care,


  • Why is it communal space and it's not allow to do anything on them?!

    Georgiana Graham asked over 1 year ago

    Hello Georgiana,

    Thanks very much for the comment. I'm not sure how we can help with this based on what you've told us - but if we can help by connecting you to the right colleagues, then we'll be happy to do that. 

    What I'd suggest is that you send us a bit more info to our team email address - - and we'll see if there's something we can do to help.

    In that email, it would be useful to have your address so we can work out who the best person to refer you to is.

    Take care,


  • I’ve just found out about this and would have been interested had applications not already closed.

    JC asked over 1 year ago

    Hello JC,

    Thanks for letting us know - sorry to hear you didn't find out about the co-design project in time to apply to be a part of it. There will be some further opportunities to be involved in the process at a later date, through some regional listening sessions we'll be doing with the panel in late May and early June. If that's something you'd like to be part of then drop us an email at and we'll make sure to let you know the dates, times and venues for those sessions.

    Take care,


  • Residents that are on the co-design action group might not be able to attend all of the session of the group. So, instead of having a lack of views and opinions from a reduced resident‘s compliment, to have a reserve list of residents that can fill in. This will insure that a full complement of 6 residents will be maintained.

    Danny asked over 1 year ago

    Hello Danny,

    Thanks for the question. One of the things we’re asking residents to confirm during the selection process is their availability. So we’re hoping that a lack of availability isn’t going to be an issue as we move into the next phase of the project. But it’s a good suggestion, thank you for making it – I’ll make sure that Phil is aware of it.

