Co-designing the future of resident engagement
Consultation has concluded
We're redesigning how we're going to do customer engagement at Peabody, and to do that we've partnered up with some of our customers to set up a Co-design Action Group
The Group will prepare draft engagement standards for Peabody and a new resident engagement structure with terms of reference; a document that will define the purpose and structure of our key resident engagement group/s.
This will include resident scrutiny, monitoring and contribution to strategies and policies. The work of the Group will be captured in a final summary report which will explain how Peabody will move forward with our engagement groups.
This report will be presented to the Customer Experience Committee and Board for their endorsement in July.
We want to hear your thoughts
We're running a series of local listening sessions in June, where the Action Group will come out into our communities and talk to you about how, where, why and when we do engagement, how you think it can help, and how you think we should engage with you in the future. They'll use what they learn in these sessions to decide our future engagement structure.
We'd love you to come along to one of the sessions, but we understand you might not be able to. We still want to hear from you! There's a short survey you can take, and everything you tell us in that survey will be used by the Action Group to make their decisions.
It's natural that you'll have questions. Hopefully you'll have found most of the info you need in the "Everything you need to know about the Co-design Action Group" section.
But if not, let us know what you're after, and we'll come back to you as soon as we can with an answer. If you'd prefer to email your questions then just drop us a line at