As we look to the future, we're developing a new Sustainability Strategy.
Sustainability is one of our main priorities for our new organisation; to mitigate the impact of climate change and do our bit in preventing the climate emergency.
Our goal is to become Net Zero Carbon by 2050. To help us achieve our ambitions we need to have a strong strategy in place. This will set out how we'll introduce and expand sustainable principles across our customers, colleagues, and the community, while providing value for money to the business.
It's hugely important to us that we hear what you have to say about this. So we've developed a short survey to capture your feedback, which will go on to help us shape our approach to combating climate change and protecting the environment.
As we look to the future, we're developing a new Sustainability Strategy.
Sustainability is one of our main priorities for our new organisation; to mitigate the impact of climate change and do our bit in preventing the climate emergency.
Our goal is to become Net Zero Carbon by 2050. To help us achieve our ambitions we need to have a strong strategy in place. This will set out how we'll introduce and expand sustainable principles across our customers, colleagues, and the community, while providing value for money to the business.
It's hugely important to us that we hear what you have to say about this. So we've developed a short survey to capture your feedback, which will go on to help us shape our approach to combating climate change and protecting the environment.
Here at Peabody, we want to help you to understand all you need to make sustainable choices. What do you want to know and/or what could help you and your community be more sustainable.
Please answer this one question so we can all start to make better, sustainable choices today!
Sustainability at Peabody means making choices today for a better tomorrow.
Do you want to connect with like-minded residents in your community who share your interest in all things sustainability? Have you got ideas and thoughts you could share with us around this whole important area?
We’re trying to become ‘net zero’ by 2050 – and we need your help. To reach our goals, we need greener communities, energy efficient homes and lower energy bills!
Greener Communities
Our estates are full of amazing green spaces. We’re hoping to bring more nature to even more communities – maybe yours!
To tell us how you want your estate to look and feel, we’d appreciate you taking 6 minutes to finish this survey.
Nature plays a huge in our everyday lives. Nature gives us clean air to breathe, fresh water to drink, and food to eat. Simply put, we need nature to live and stay happy.
The variety of nature in an area is also referred to as ‘biodiversity’. We, at Peabody, are working on plans to better support biodiversity across our properties and communities.
To help us develop a Biodiversity Action Plan, we need your help. We want to know about your views on nature, your thoughts on nature across our estates, and what changes you would like to see.
We are also interested to hear if you would like to be involved in the development of plans for your estate.
Your responses will remain anonymous, unless you wish to participate in the development of plans for your estate, as you will need to provide your name and contact information.
Thank you for your time and support on this important matter.
Peabody are launching an exciting new project in your area in partnership with United Living, one of our key contractors, and Kestrix, a technology company focused on improving the energy efficiency of our housing.
The project will involve scanning the exterior of your property using a drone to assess how well insulated your home is and therefore what energy improvement measures would be most effective.
There is a £20 Love2Shop voucher for the first 20 people that sign up!
If that sounds like something you'd be interested in helping us out with, then you can sign up below!
We've heard from some of you about your interest in community food-growing.
We’re looking to enhance the green spaces at Pembury Estate. We’vealready heard from some residents about their interest in revitalising the existing community food-growing areas (see map) and we’d love to hear from more of you. Whether you’re interested in food-growing opportunities, or if you’d prefer other types of nature or greening projects, please let us know what you think.
The area marked in red on the map below is where the current allotment site exists. The area in yellow is where we think a potential additional food growing space could be located. It's next to the gym, rather than replacing it.
Please take a few minutes to share your opinions and ideas through this survey.