South London Regional Forum meeting - 15 October 2024 - sign up form
Last year, we formed a Resident Co-Design Action Group, who designed a new approach to the way we work with you.
One of the recommendations the Group made was that we should have a varied engagement offer, including ways for people to influence the way we work at a local level.
We’re already doing this in our North East London region through a Regional Forum, and we want to set something similar up in our South Region. This is something that you seemed really keen on when you came to see us at our local engagement event in June.
We got in touch with residents recently but couldn’t find a time where people were able to join us.
We’ve rearranged our session on to be on 15 October at our offices at 45 Westminster Bridge Rd, London, SE1 7JB, from 5.30-7pm. We’d love it if you were able to come along and talk to us. The things we really want to try and work out are:
- What should a regional forum do? How could a forum like this help you?
- How often should a group like this meet, where and how?
- What do we need to do to make sure that what you discuss is fed back and considered as part of our wider programme of engagement work?
If you’d like to come along to our session on 15 October, all you need to do is let us know by response to this email.
Places are limited, so if you’d like to come along, please do let us know as soon as you can and let us know if you will be bringing anyone else with you.
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